Starting to Dream

I found some baby panthers one day while walking in the beautiful outside. They were hungry so I fed them and they seemed scared. Scared and lonely enough to follow me so I let them. They were very loving and kind, eager to be loved the two of them. They followed me home and became like members of our family, for how long I'm not too sure but we did everything together, my children and our two beautiful panthers.The house we were in seemed so tiny at first almost congested like we were in a small old fashioned van. Then one day as we were all sleeping I heard one scrambling so I opened the door and he seemed afraid to exit so I gave him a tiny, okay a kinda big push. After I pushed the kitty/panther out I realized it was no longer as small as before. In fact it was huge in a gigantic way, almost colossal it seemed before me. I finally became clear to me that this was not the same baby panther I found and loved so. This panther was the momma, she was very aware of my presence and was sniffing at the window where I stood in awe of her beauty. The tiny house were were once in suddenly appeared to be like a mansion no longer tiny in size and I was not in the least surprised of this account.

I immediately went to the other baby panther and let her go to her momma who was apparently in search of them. I frantically began to search for my camera in hopes of capturing this magnificent splendor before my eyes because the momma panther was the biggest and well only panther I had ever seen. She was not just any kind of giant she was like a Clifford version of a panther towering in height outside my window. I let the idea of keeping her babies fade away, I was prepared to let them be with their momma panther and left altogether from the window.
I found myself wandering upstairs  to the balcony. For some reason our neighbors were what seemed to be a sort of childcare center, but in a beautiful house. As I was on the balcony I looked over and the teacher was exiting across the street from her classroom and she had a line of children following her out. They began to sing a morning song, how I know it was their morning song I do not recall, perhaps it was because they did it each sunrise that dawned. I remember the balcony of ours had no railing and Josiah was getting too close to the edge than I was comfortable with, so I went towards him to grab him closer. As I stood there with my boy in my arms listening to the sweet melody and the harmonies surrounding us with that beautiful morning song I finally looked down and noticed the momma panther still lingering down below in our midst. For some odd reason I noticed the baby panthers with their momma and they were very much saddened deeply to their soul. As they looked up to me on the balcony and I stared into their gazing eyes I realized that their momma had not returned to take them away to be with her. She was coming to say goodbye. They were hurting for this reason and I could feel them calling out to me so I had to act. I was still with Josiah and I remember directing him back into the house and we were now being very quiet as to not disturb even the tiniest of our surroundings. It was a sad sorrow that was piercing a piercing silence as we rushed back down the stairs to our beloved and very much missed baby panthers.
As we went down to the first window I saw the baby panthers scratching to be let back in, their momma panther nowhere in sight. I was trying to open the window to let them in and noticed our little furry friend, a tiny white mouse with a bright pink nose and a happy smile. Though I was not afraid of our tiny mouse I delegated to Josiah to get his mouse so I could open the window. They grabbed their little furry friend and took him to safety and I finally opened the window. The two baby panthers jumped in with excitement and happiness, they jumped into my arms and we stayed like that for I don't know how long, just hugging and thankful to be reunited once more. Their bodies so strong and beautifully smooth like silk it was like a dream, in fact it was,...


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