Bible Informational...

The following thoughts are shared from 
Sunday service at Temple Baptist Church, 
presented by Pastor Fred Gurule...
First of all, how can we be blessed by the bible?
Let me ask you a question,....
Do you or someone you know own a bible?
Do you ever open it and read the word?
Do you get the "information for transformation?"

"The purpose of the information is transformation." -Pastor Gurule

"I want the bible to be more than head knowledge, I want it to change me." -Pastor Gurule

Bibles are everywhere in America last year there were 500 million bibles published in the world and thats in 18,000 different languages, meaning the bible is available for us to read it,....
If or when you search scripture, is it daily, weekly, monthly or yearly?
Do you discern and gaze or do you glance? 
After Jesus resurrected two disciples ran to the tomb, John looked in and he didn't go in, Peter got there and he not only looked in, but he went in,... that's the difference between gazing and glancing the bible.... 
(meaning do you take your time to take in the information 
or do you graze through mindlessly strolling without intentional thought)

When you read the bible do you have the mindset of:
not accidental but intentional???

Do you research the bible or do you just read the bible?

To be blessed by the bible one must:
Read - interpret and search scripture daily, does it take priority in your life?
Receive - understand while being: 
-careful/swift with undivided attention
-calm/slow to wrath putting aside anger, bitterness, worries, etc.
-clean or free of dirt, scum, rubbish, moral sin, filth, earwax, etc.
(to get good reception from God)
Respond - apply scripture to daily decision making and daily life,...

"Sometimes wonder if we have churches with auditors." -Pastor Gurule


Review or remember it in your heart!

Statistic: We may lose 95%of what we hear within 72 hours...

The bible will transform you life!!

"Yes we may go through the bible, but make sure the bible goes through you." -Pastor Gurule


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