Nightmare is a Reality

Warning!!! Graphic Details: December 28, 2011 was the worse day of my life... my sister, Lynette Renee Yazzie-Becenti, was horrifically taken from all of us! In the New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez a man by the name of Gavin Yepa, 26 at the time, chose to take a precious life. Alcohol was involved, but alcohol cannot be the blame. She was raped with a shovel 16 inches to her diaphragm and she died of internal bleeding. This unbelievable nightmare happened at Yepa's residence in Jemez Pueblo and he is claiming that another individual by the name Rodney Adams is the guilty one. Pointing his finger at another will not make it go away. Adams was present at Yepa's residence at that time of Yepa's horrific acts and had witnessed Yepa insert a water bottle, pull it out bloody and lick the bottle before taking a drink. Rodney Adams left the house as a thief and with his hands he took her cell phone and other contents of her bag. At this time his testimony is being argued in regard to his character. In my opinion they are both accomplices to each others sickness and they both need help. His attorney is trying to state that he has not been given a speedy trial  in one hand and in the other he is telling the United States Attorneys to take their time to overview all the necessary evidence. Prolonging the courts is not going to make it go away. Manipulating the court system into getting your way will only last for so long, because in the end God will have his vengeance. Even though this happened in his home, he is stating he was passed out and woke to find her "not breathing" in his home. Even with his shirt off and scratches across his back and blood smeared upon  him, he claims innocence. Denying guilt is not going to make it go away. Knowing that she was dragged from room to room as evidence shows blood pools throughout the house. I requested to see pictures of evidence and though it was hard to see and it hurts deeply I had to request to see. Lynette is not a piece of evidence or a animal she is a human being, she is my sister, she is no longer able to defend herself and for the past two years I have had to deal with the fact that she is dead. The hurt, pain, anguish and turmoil is not going to go away. Last court hearing we had to listen to Yepa plea to be released to a halfway house while he awaits trial so that he can see his son and family. My sister will never have that option, ever! I now listen to my mom cry with no consolation, to see her lose a part of her is so hard to bear. I feel the warm tears fall like raindrops down and there is no end. The place she was murdered is now being rented out to an undisclosed family and they now reside there. The present court preceding is to question as to whether the Judge will allow a 911 call as evidence to be allowed in the case. All evidence that can bring about justice should not even be questioned as to whether or not it can be entered into evidence. My heart hurts today and I can only vent through words because all the actions in the world could never bring her back. Nothing could ever take away all the pain that has come with this nightmare because my nightmare has become reality. This will not go away!!


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