"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller

It is Friday once again and I feel as though time is nothing more than floating dust over time... Luckily I've been blessed with a wonderful husband of whom I have the honor to share my time. Everyday is a blessing with him in our lives, the children and mine. We have already celebrated our second year and counting in marriage and to be honest I never thought I would be a married woman. I mean I never thought I would find him... The children are growing with each year and I only hope that I am being a good mom to them. As of now Josiah is getting sick, most likely what Uriah is getting over. Uriah contracted his sickness from Lisa's son Xandro, and that lil guy goes to daycare so who knows where he got it from. It's a cycle! Alysha and Andreas are working on the end of school year material and I am trying to help them as much as possible. We finally received our Explora pass from NAPPR which is awesome, the whole year we shall have membership. In this current moment my love and I sit in our room together enjoying the night together. He's watching Netflix and I am well just reflecting I'd say. I hope the children get well soon and I'm hoping I can become a better blogger regarding consistency. My mind wanders and I don't think my material is very educational, inspiring or anything yet so I am trying to find where I can focus. I want to make a difference and help people but not very sure as to how. So for now I shall keep focusing on focusing. Starting small and accomplishing slowly and steadily is my goal to work towards a idea much more grand that what I could even contemplate. All this can and shall be done through the loving grace of God. I'm not perfect or the best at everything but I do have gifts and I intend on finding them and using them for God's will. I hope that I can be an example to my babies of what honoring God and being thankful truly means.


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