If everyone did that one simple act, life would be much more enjoyable for all! A simple smile, a warm hug or pat on the back or a simple encouragement, seems that these acts of love are beginning to decrease more and more in our society. I have been mentally working on myself to encourage the good in my kiddos as opposed to griping on the not so good.

At times I admit it has been a challenge lol with all that my boys manage to get into,... I fear they love to test me. Nonetheless I love them unconditionally and only wish the best for them both now in todays hours and the days to come for them even when I am not hovering over them. Funny how fast they grow and how much they learn in such a short amount of time. The other day I was searching endlessly for missing objects and later discovered that my 2 year old had been chucking them in the turtle tank and I eventually found all the missing items throughout the house. Our pipes froze one night recently and of course we had to make due without water, of course my son chose this timing to curiously squish eggs in his hands and let the yolk seep down his arms and body,... lol I can laugh now. Uriah has started to roll more and also is learning to eat his rice cereal. Dre of course lives for his video games and interacting with his friends across the globe. Alysha is the oldest and though overly mature I'm pleased to announce she is still my baby girl and I wouldn't have it any other way. They all have their own interests and I can see that they are all very intelligent and oh how I love them so! My husband is a wonderful man, always there for me when I need him most and always there to laugh with me and at me when I am being silly. I couldn't imagine life without him near me each and every day and I am so thankful God has blessed me with such an amazing partner! What a year it's been in the household of Naya... always another job to be done, another lesson to be learned, always a lil mouth to feed and a lil heart to comfort! I must say that life has been grand. Not every aspect has been to perfection of course, but that's life. I love my family and appreciate all the wonderful days that God has blessed me with to teach them all that I can in the time being. I always wonder what I could be doing more or better and I find myself up late at night searching for ideas and other approaches towards leading to the goal I have for my babies, it's a trip! Now the Holidays are in full effect and tensions are mounting, last night I lost my wallet. I admit I retreated to solitude and cried, I let myself get the best of me and thoughts crept in of how stupid I was and why couldn't I have -----etc. etc. etc. Luckily my other half knew how I can be sometimes and he reminded me of what it is to be imperfect and that it is okay and also the real important things in life are not materialistic. I hope I can be that reminder to others when they are lost and I hope that my children also learn from my lesson that imperfection is a human characteristic. So yes, 2013 is nearing it's end and I also find myself thinking more and more of my dear sister of whom was taken from us in Dec of 2o11 and I cry tears of remembrance and sadness and joy and heartache,... she will never return to us. I remind myself often that it is she who is home and I will one day soon join her and be reunited in my true home, where I belong. I pray each and everyday for the salvation of the lost, those who do not know and those that do but choose to follow other paths.
Our time is very short here and with 2013 there have been many losses as well, in fact I am scheduled to do some work regarding another eulogy of a person I am not sure I know,... my mom volunteered me! I'm happy to say that momma is still doing wonderful in her choice to abstain from alcohol and she has grown in Christ so much more than I could've ever imagined, it's beautiful. I'm proud that she takes care of her mommy (my grandmother) so lovingly and unconditionally, despite the past all of that has been erased. Reminds me of myself and her and more so of Christ and humanity. Forgiveness has been a lesson that has taken place in many instances and I feel that it is all leading up to get me prepared for the court case that involves the murderer of my sister... I know he does not deserve forgiveness yet neither do I and God gives freely and graciously, I hope to be like Him. I would share a picture of all my babies but my sweety is very picky about not being exposed hehe! So I will respect her wishes at this time and not post her, but these are the loves of my life,... also not shown is my dear hubby but that will be shared in time! Merry Christmas Wishes Everyone and please don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season!!!
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