Materialistic Posessions

So we're moving,... and I have tons of materialistic possessions... Not a very great combination! I've moved before in the past and well let's say that many things I brought that were not being used and in fact they didn't get used for about 8 months cause I just put it all in storage while I took over my moms apartment to take care of my baby sister, long story.. Anywho I discovered that I could survive without all the extra baggage and I felt lighter... Now I'm in the same predicament again however this time I won't be getting storage once again and I'm a bit worried. I know for a fact that I don't wear half of the clothes I own, they're basically just there. Hard to let them go cause they all mostly seem to be gifts from my mom... I love my mom and I love my family so that brings up all the school projects and endless artwork that finds it's way onto my desk. I admit sometimes I can't even see the desk itself,.. Yesterday I went through my paperwork and discovered that I had piles of unnecessary paper cluttering up my work area.. I did some reorganizing and threw away bags of papers yet I still feel there is much more decluttering needed to be done if we want to have a smooth transition from our apt to our new home. "I'm truly excited about the move but not about moving," words from my dear husbands mouth the other day. Made me think "wow" this is not going to be easy on me neither being pregnant and not being able to contribute as much as I would like to. So now is where I need to dig deep and learn to let go, once again. Easier said than done...
It's crazy how that applies to many aspects, "easier said than done." I would like to be more like Christ, be an outstanding awesome wife and mommy to my family, practice healthy lifestyle activities, learn about managing a home to perfection, become more active in my creative activities including my photography, lose my baby weight, find a job that works around my schedule as a mom so I can help contribute financially to the security of my family and be passionate about sharing God's word to the world. Things take time and missions take planning,.. I need to learn that I can't do everything on my own and let God in so that he can steer me in the direction I need to be heading. Which brings up the notion of believing, having faith and hope and acting on that in itself.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13
I refer to this passage of scripture often when I feel as though I am not able to go on any further... I know that we will be okay and that our stuff will get moved, I just wish I didn't have so much... I guess it all comes down to what items I use and what items I think I will use and what items are no longer usable and what I can give away to those who are in need. It seems so simple but yea for me it's a struggle... So if you are reading this please pray for me, that I may learn to let go of unnecessary materialistic possessions because in all truth I should not be holding on to worldly things and I should be focusing on building my treasures in my true home which is Heaven :D It sounds way better when I put it that way actually. So yes that is what is on my mind this wonderful Saturday night as my family goes about doing what they do I'm thinking with anticipation of the whole process of moving what is needed to be done and who will be here to help us in this transitional time of change. I pray for my children also as I know change is not easy and can be life changing,... For the kiddos I plan to let them finish out their school year in their current schools as we are at the end of the year and I know I truly couldn't stand changing schools like it was nothing. For me it was different tho cause I was in foster homes and had different guardians and my life was filled with drunkards and people that didn't even put forth the effort to pretend to care. I guess you could say I've come a long way, and I know I could not have made it this far without God in my life. One day I will share that story but for now,... my mind is on moving and keeping my sanity as this process is carried out....


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