
Showing posts from 2013

Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

If everyone did that one simple act, life would be much more enjoyable for all! A simple smile, a warm hug or pat on the back or a simple encouragement, seems that these acts of love are beginning to decrease more and more in our society. I have been mentally working on myself to encourage the good in my kiddos as opposed to griping on the not so good. At times I admit it has been a challenge lol with all that my boys manage to get into,... I fear they love to test me. Nonetheless I love them unconditionally and only wish the best for them both now in todays hours and the days to come for them even when I am not hovering over them. Funny how fast they grow and how much they learn in such a short amount of time. The other day I was searching endlessly for missing objects and later discovered that my 2 year old had been chucking them in the turtle tank and I eventually found all the missing items throughout the house. Our pipes froze one night recently and of course we had to make due...

In a nutshell...

It's been somewhat over a week and the moving schedule has proven to be tedious and exhausting... I feel badly because I am not able to help physically as much as I wish I could because of my condition,... being pregnant :D We've started staying at our new location and the kids are adjusting well,... luckily we have my brother Branden around cause Dre has someone to transition into his new bedroom with... I have yet to get him a night light, so for now I leave his door open a crack and leave the light on in the hallway... The space is so wonderful,... there's a sense of pride knowing that our home is our very own. Cleaning has proven to be the most time consuming, making sure the areas we unpack are ready for filling in. Baby J is also enjoying his extra space as well,... roaming here and there as he pleases and watching us as we complete our tasks. I can't wait til we can relax and just enjoy the completeness of all our work in the end. I'm enjoying the sunset view...

Materialistic Posessions

So we're moving,... and I have tons of materialistic possessions... Not a very great combination! I've moved before in the past and well let's say that many things I brought that were not being used and in fact they didn't get used for about 8 months cause I just put it all in storage while I took over my moms apartment to take care of my baby sister, long story.. Anywho I discovered that I could survive without all the extra baggage and I felt lighter... Now I'm in the same predicament again however this time I won't be getting storage once again and I'm a bit worried. I know for a fact that I don't wear half of the clothes I own, they're basically just there. Hard to let them go cause they all mostly seem to be gifts from my mom... I love my mom and I love my family so that brings up all the school projects and endless artwork that finds it's way onto my desk. I admit sometimes I can't even see the desk itself,.. Yesterday I went through m...

To Make Each Moment Count

What I have learned of change is that it is constant,...  In fact the only thing constant is change and the only one constant is God !!! Change has been a constant reminder in our lives that there is both good and bad in all aspects, decisions, peoples, cultures, morals, and our eternal destinations... Put simply the biggest decision of ones life is in regards to their eternal destination, Heaven or Hell ? The answer seems obvious but many I'm afraid are unaware that there is even a question or a choice... this reality breaks my heart. I wonder about the people that know they only have so many days to live and the deep need to either live life to it's fullest within that timeframe or just sulk on the fact that their end is near and take on the attitude that nothing matters. I often wonder how I will be remembered when I am only but a fading memory to the remaining. After my older sister being horrifically murdered I've come to accept the inevitable, in fact I even wel...

A New Start

Today is the first day of Spring!!! I want to keep positivity in mind in everything I do and use this page to record my thoughts as I am a stay at home mom and sometimes baby J just isn't that interested in what his mommy has to say lol and sometimes lets face it, it's just not appropriate to lay all my thoughts on the lil guy :D So here we are in my newly acquired blog that I dedicate to happiness, hope and loving God with all my might!! Sometimes I'm at my peak and things are the greatest,.. those are the times I love to share. But other times     when I'm gloomy and feeling hopeless I tend to push others away and retreat into my thoughts . I know this can be very unhealthy for me, mainly cause I have been diagnosed with PTSD in the past and I know that the mind can be a powerful ally or opponent. I love my family, my husband of whom is very dear to my heart and my children Alysha, Andreas, Aiden, Josiah and baby belly of whom is yet to come in June. Right now we ar...