
May 23, 2020 I got lost today in the bosque but I wasn’t alone.
It was scary because there was a realization that I have no control.
A feeling of helplessness and a loss of direction.
It’s silly to think that had I not had a destination in mind, I would never had been able to claim being lost to begin with. The brush was thickening all around as we navigated through paths barely seen yet very much felt I found myself losing things along the way, this revelation did not arrive until later. When it finally came time to cross a water path, it was here that I found myself running into harm's way, he told me to be careful but I guess I couldn't help myself.
I got a cut as I made a path for those behind me in my care, after that first cut more cuts came all on one hand because I finally realized my hand was bleeding. It was a thorn bush of a tree that got its repayment to me for interrupting his serene homestead of solace, broken with my mere presence.
I squeezed my hand into a ball and continue on, those in my care questioned if we should turn back.
In my mind I kept replaying a friends recollection of being lost at one time in this very area, I did not want to go back either. I asked them to go a little further because we were almost there. I could see the beauty sands faintly through the leafy wildlife that separated us from the outside. Where were three of us and I was second, and even after we were all safely out I was still unable to be at ease.

Word of the day:

  1. a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.


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