Materialistic Posessions

So we're moving,... and I have tons of materialistic possessions... Not a very great combination! I've moved before in the past and well let's say that many things I brought that were not being used and in fact they didn't get used for about 8 months cause I just put it all in storage while I took over my moms apartment to take care of my baby sister, long story.. Anywho I discovered that I could survive without all the extra baggage and I felt lighter... Now I'm in the same predicament again however this time I won't be getting storage once again and I'm a bit worried. I know for a fact that I don't wear half of the clothes I own, they're basically just there. Hard to let them go cause they all mostly seem to be gifts from my mom... I love my mom and I love my family so that brings up all the school projects and endless artwork that finds it's way onto my desk. I admit sometimes I can't even see the desk itself,.. Yesterday I went through m...