Weathering the storms...

Life is a battlefield! Each day comes with new battles. It seems to circle back to that statement in many aspects and times in our lives. We can also all point to a time in our lives and remember that there seemed to be no hope or solution to a problem. But what we must always remember is that without rain and storms we may not always appreciate the sunny days that are always waiting, there to shine. But in order to get back to that oasis of rest and enjoyment we endure, overcome, learn and grow. Sometimes it's not always easy to get thorough these mountains and valleys but low and behold there is always a lesson to be learned. So whether it is raining or pouring, a frightening thunderstorm, an angry hurricane, or even a destructive tsunami. The battles we face shape us into the people we become. Teaching us to learn from our mistakes and even others mistakes once we catch on to the vicious cycle that never ceases. Our battles we may face come in many shapes, forms and si...